I jogged today. I've gotten to where I only get to jog/walk on Mondays because it's the only day I can't make it to the gym. So of course I'm not progressing like I was. I figured if I'm still working out I would still get better, but maybe jogging is something you just have to do if you want to be able to do it. Does that even make sense? Last week it was pouring down rain and cold so I didn't go. It's been 2 weeks since I've run anywhere. I forced myself this morning to jog as far as I reached 2 weeks ago. It was hard. Really hard. I thought I was gonna puke hard. But I made it. My breath was back by the time I reached the next place that I run, but my throat was sore from breathing so hard. Anyway, I told myself I could make it to the middle of the road. That's how far I went 2 weeks ago. But in my mind I knew I was trying for the end of the road. I kept going, kept pushing, and I made it to the end. I lifted my arms up and pointed to the sky, "All for You." When I run, I pray. I ask God to strengthen my heart and increase my lung capacity, to strengthen my legs, and to give me the wisdom to push hard enough for growth but not so hard that I injure myself. I ask Him to help me become as healthy as I was created to be so I can honor Him with my body. By the time my walk had ended, I felt amazing - tired, alive, tone, tight, taller, straighter - I knew it was worth pushing through.
Wow. That'll preach. Push hard enough to have growth, but not so hard that we injure ourself. Hmmmmm. If we don't push through, we are not going to notice any real growth. Not physical, not spiritual. I've read that muscles have to be worked to the point of exhaustion before they will rebuild stronger. Is it the same for faith? Do we need to stretch our faith to the limit if we want increased, stronger, more stable faith? Will our walk with God grow if we never push through a little bit of discomfort to grow our spiritual legs? Why do we tend to quit/stop/slow down when things get a little bit irritating? Why do we sit down when we get the least bit out of breath? Sometimes we have to get up early when we're tired, confront a problem directly, study the Bible when we don't feel like it, follow a diet when we don't want to, and push forward when we'd rather quit. Pain isn't always bad. Sometimes it's a sign of growth.
I love working out because God teaches me so much about Himself in all of this. Bottom line, if you want to see change in your health or physical appearance; it's probably gonna hurt. If you want to see real change in your faith or your walk with God, it's probably gonna hurt.
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