"And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done." Genesis 2:2
Rest is important. In fact, the Bible instructs us to take a day off every week to rest. Did you know that professional trainers recommend resting from workouts also? I love when the world lines up with the Word! My PT (personal trainer) recommends a week off every 4 months. I did some internet searching and others recommend as much as a week of every 2 - 3 months. Whether you take your break after 2, 3, or 4 months - most people agree you rest for 7 days; no weight or strength training of any kind. 7 days of rest! At first I was bummed. I'm a go, go, go person; sitting still is hard for me and after 4 months of training and seeing change, the last thing I wanted to do was quit for a week. But this is what I learned. . .
7 days of rest allows your joints and muscles to heal and relax from the regular demands of workouts. This helps reduce inflammation and puts your body into a refreshed state. Everybody reaches a place in training where the progress begins to slow down. Taking a week off can actually help stimulate progress. 7 days is not long enough to lose muscle mass, but it is long enough to make your muscles think this is a new way of doing things. Then, the next time you workout, the muscles get basically a shock and jump to attention. Thus, increased progress once again. Your muscles will respond faster after a break; giving you a greater output than someone who does not take a break. Less is More!! I am NOT a certified trainer or a medical professional, so this is simply my attempt at explaining things the way I understand them.
Why wouldn't this make sense? We are refreshed to go back to work after a week off, we are refreshed to start our week after a day off. Our bodies need rest. Our minds, emotions, muscles - all of us - NEED REST. It is strange not working out. I've decided to cut way back on cardio for the week too - I want my joints and muscles to really have this opportunity to heal completely. I'm enjoying my break, but I'm excited about jumping back in at the end of the week.
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