Monday, December 14, 2009

Goal #1 accomplished!

I have reached my first goal!! My goal was to break 300 pounds by January 1st. Actually, I wanted 298 so I was under the 300 mark. This morning I weighed in at 296!!! YEAH!! Thannk you Jesus! I can't remember the last time I was under 300. I know I was over in 2006, but I don't remember before that.  I want to get copies of old Dr. visits so I know how much time has been reversed at each step.  I saw a picture of myself last night and I can actually see the difference now.  Thank you Jesus.  People keep telling me I'm doing great and they are so proud of me, but I have to remember that it's ONLY through the power of Jesus that I can do this at all.  I have never had willpower or discipline.  God has truly set me free.
Yes, I am taking a reward for this.  I have worked very hard and I want to celebrate.  However, I also remember that any time I've taken a "treat" day, it's been followed by failure.  Another reason why I think this is so much a spiritual battle.  When I give in to temptation and over eat, I open the door for the demonic to come back 6 times worse.  That's what it's always been like - once I give in, I go off the deep end worse than ever.  Before my deliverance, I was eating non stop and had started purging again as well.  I said all that to say this, I am takingn steps to enjoy my reward without blowing my lifestyle.  Here's how:  My husband is taking me out for sushi.  It's my fav - I would eat sushi everyday if I could.  That's what I want as my reward.  That may be easier than what others might choose, but it can still be bad if I eat the way I use to.  SO, my favorite restaurants are Chinese Buffets so I can eat tons of everything I like!  I will be going to the restaurant I love and I will get everything I enjoy - even the bad stuff!  HOWEVER, we will be buying it TO GO!  We did this once before and it was perfect.  I feel like I did not have to go without anything, and I actually got to enjoy Chinese and sushi for 3 days!!  It's like having your cake and eating it to!  Everything I want, but I can eat at my pace in my time.
So I'm waiting patiently for Tuesday (our date night) to enjoy my fav food.

On to my next goal.  I realized right away that I NEED goals.  I have to be able to see progress to keep going.  So it's vital that I set small, attainable goals to stay motivated.  Otherwise I don't see a reason to continue.  For example, I still need to lose 136 pounds to reach my goal of 160.  That's like 2-3 years of work.  I think, why bother. . . BUT!  So I've decided my next goal is to reduce my BMI to 39.9 by February 28th.  I'm not sure if that can be done, but it's something to work for.  My personal trainer says I can reach it in 60 days.  We'll see.  My BMI was 52 and now it's below 48 just based on what they say at  It says 40 or higher is consider extreme obesity, so I've made it my new goal to get out of the "extremely obese" group.  Come with me - there's power in numbers.  We can do this.  You can do this!!  And you will feel so much better when you do.

By the way, if you're located in St. Petersburg, FL - my personal trainer is great and he has group and individual openings.  Come workout with me!! : )

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