"The Lord delights in those who fear Him, who put their hope in His unfailing love. Psalm 147:11"
Finally! The weather was warm enough for me to get back outside. AND I actually got myself out of bed in time! So this morning I headed back outside to walk the 1.7 mile trail that I started a few months ago. I haven't been real faithful on my cardio and I know it's so important, so off I went. Normally I walk about a block to warm up and then I'll jog until I'm out of breath (I've worked up to approx. 2 blocks!) but today I just didn't feel like jogging. I have achilles tendonitis & bursitis in one heal and it hurts to walk until I've gone quite a ways. So I decided to walk faster. About half way through my walk, there is a long street that I usually jog 1/2 of. The last time I was out (atleast 3 weeks ago) I was finally able to jog all the way to the end. Today, I decided that I would walk to that street and jog to the end. So I started out with good intentions. Then I got tired. I started thinking that I have gone backwards from not keeping up, and there was just no way I could make it to the end of the street this morning. I started looking for the halfway point but the car that has been parked there for 4 months is no gone. Then a garbage truck passed me. And one of the guys on the back gave me a thumbs up. And I was encouraged to try harder. So I kept going. they stopped to pick up stuff and when I passed them he stopped and said, "I need to do it to. Good for you." And I was encouraged to try harder. I made it to the end of the road and I turned the corner and of course I didn't want to quit in front of someone who had just encouraged me, so I began to wish they would go away. They turned a corner and I was finally free. Then I noticed the stop sign ahead of me. It didn't seem that far away. I pushed myself to reach that stop sign. Not because anyone was watching, but because one little thumbs up had encouraged me enough to push myself farther than I've ever gone. It was hard - very hard. But I did it. And it felt great.
Then I began to think. I have worked for people who believe encouraging their staff leads to pride and arrogance. I have heard ministers say that we work for the Lord and if we need encouragement then we're doing it for the wrong reasons. I have to disagree. Encouragement helps us try harder and go farther. It tells us that we're not in the fight alone; that others believe in us. It helps us believe in ourselves. Encouragement helped me reach a goal today that I didn't think I could make.
But what about those times when no one's around to encourage us? Did you know that God is your biggest cheerleader? This morning I began to hear His encouragement. "You're not alone. I'm with you. I've been with you every step. You can do this. I know you can do this. I created you to do this. I created your muscles to grow stronger as you work them. I created your body to heal itself. I created your cells to regenerate. I believe in you." WOW! God is there, every step, cheering us on. Now can I just remember that I have the greatest encourager of all time with me everywhere I go? If we truly get this, won't we be willing to strive for improvement daily? To be the absolute best we can be? I don't want to quit while He's watching - and He's ALWAYS watching.
So let me encourage you. Wherever you are, whatever you're facing, don't give up. You are capable of so much more than you know. God's got a great plan for your life. He believes in you and He loves you. I do to.
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