Friday, February 19, 2010

Getting Closer

I did it! I finally did it!! I attended 2 classes at the Y today! It has always been a great struggle for me to walk into a new place alone, but I did it!! The first class was great. The instructor was great. He took the time to work with me and try to teach me some of the steps - I took a Tai Chi class which is mainly slow, easy movements - more for stretching and relax than heart work. I loved it!! Then I stayed for Nia - aerobics that use dance, martial, and healing arts combined. That is a little more upbeat but very easy to adapt to my level. I'm not as flowy as I'd like to be, but I actually went somewhere new and did something I've never done and I feel GREAT! I am the biggest person in the class and of course I don't like that, but it is not going to stop me from growing. What is the options? Be the biggest person in class and deal with it or be the biggest person NOT in the class and stay that way!! Come on.
The people are sweet. I like the Y because every one has been so nice. I will get better. I will improve. I thank God for what He's given me and I am determined to be the best I can be.
So I will end this with my new favorite inspirational quote, from my all time favorite Olympic speed skater: "Everyday I ask myself, 'Have I done positively all I can do to be the absolute best I can be?'" - Apollo Anton Ohno
Not yet, but I'm getting closer.

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