Friday, January 4, 2008

Day 2 & 3

So sorry I missed those days. My intention is to write everyday even if it's short. After all, those of us struggling with weight issues struggle everday. Some days are easier than others, but the bottom line is that we are confronted or tempted every single day. My desire is to provide support for you every day. A place for you to leave comments, let me know how you feel, questions you have, suggestions for others. I hope to be an encouragement for you. I want you to know that you are not alone. I am not 120 pound, size zero telling you how to lose weight. I weigh well over 300 pounds and am right here, struggliing through each day with you. Believe me, if I can do it, so can you.

Today is day 4 and I'm still on track. On day 2, I ordered a greek salad with grilled chicken on pita for lunch. I don't usually eat pita bread so I thought it would be easy to throw away. It wasn't. I'm so addicted to sugars that I ate 1/4 of the pita and thought it was wonderful. Also, there happened to be potato salad in my greek salad which I wasn't expecting and when I discovered it, I ate it. (Mayonaise has sugar, so no potato salad from restaurants.) But here is the lesson, I did not go on a guilt trip and eat whatever I wanted the rest of the day. Instead, I repented (because my offering was to fast sugar and I had failed) and continued the rest of the day without failure. It is so important that you learn to stop being so hard on yourself. Get rid of the all or nothing attitude - we are human - we slip. However, keep a healthy balance or you'll excuse yourself right into complete failure.

Day 3 was harder for me. I found I wasn't hungry in the morning so I had to force myself to eat breakfast - cheese and sausage 2 egg omelet - yum! (By the way, beef sausage links don't add sugar but pork and turkey both do - check your ingredients!) My husband came home from Minnesota today and as soon as he got home I wanted to eat. What is that about? Why do I feel the urge to eat when my family's around so much more than when I'm alone. Is it because I keep busy when there's no one around? Or am I self conscious or uncomfortable when they are home? HMMMM..... that's one to meditate on and look for some self discovery. I did manage to stay on track all day. Was really craving sweets tonight so I made sugar free cheesecake pudding and that worked perfectly!

Expect to stick to the guidelines you've set, but don't quit if you mess up. You are too important to give up. God loves you and He wants you to live healthy. This is your time. It's never too late to make good changes. (As long as you're still breathing!) Keep going! I'll return tonight to discuss day 4

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