Friday, January 4, 2008

Day 4

I made it through another day. Praise God! It wasn't too difficult today. It's hard at work sometimes because there are chocolates laying all over still from Christmas, but I know that I cannot give in. I have made a decision to change my life and to fast processed sugar for this whole month and I am going to do it! Being a sugar addict, I think about all the foods I would like to indulge in, but where would that get me? I can see other areas that need work as well. I still eat more than I should and I still desire to be eating all the time. But I am not going to overwhelm myself all at once. I am making changes and change will produce results. For right now, my main focus is to break the desire for sugar.

I have found that there are quite a few things I can still have. Some things make living without sugar easier, like corn, potatoes, and tomatoes. That's because these foods have sugar in them, but it's natural not processed. I'm not denying any of God's food at this point and I haven't been eating corn and potatoes like I used to eat cookies! I try to keep those foods to a minimum since I am trying to lose weight.

Tonight wasn't to bad. My wonderful husband made dinner: pork chops, white rice, and corn. I don't eat white rice, but I wasn't about to disappoint my hubby - he doesn't cook very often. (And he doesn't really know yet that I'm determined this time!) No suger in white rice, it's just that it's processed and brown rice is so much better for you. I just made sure to stay away from seconds, although I ate 2 pieces of meat because it was on my plate. So tonight I asked dear hubby that when he cooks again, to serve my food on the salad plate so I'm not tempted to eat as much. Our regular plates are HUGE! I've also discovered that I need to have someone else put the food away after dinner or I'm tempted to eat half the leftovers before they make it into containers. If you don't have people to help with this then think about ways to stay successful. For example, if I remind myself of some of the reasons WHY I'm sticking to this, and get up as soon as I've finished eating, put the food away immediately, then do dishes, then sit down with a glass of water, I do better than if I sit at the table for awhile or do half the dishes first. Find what works for you and follow it. It may be necessary to cook small amounts to not have leftovers. Personally, I cook extra meat so I can use it for lunches and salads later.

Don't give up! I'll be back tomorrow. You ARE worth it!

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