Yesterday went much better. Failure truly isn't final - as long as we keep getting back up, keep going forward. Remember, yesterday I couldn't resist pizza. Today we had a staff meeting and when I walked in I panicked. On the table were large boxes of assorted holiday cookies. Beautiful cookies with frostings and sprinkles and all kinds of good (or bad!) stuff. Of course one box sat right in front of my chair. I wanted one so badly. I could hear the enemy so clearly tempting me "just one, eat one, one won't hurt you." I have learned enough to know that I can't eat one - I would have eaten 3 at LEAST and then took a bunch home with me - and eaten most of them in the car before I got home. One of my favorite things use to be eating in the car. That way my husband wouldn't know how much I was really eating and I wouldn't have to share with my child.
(Hey, no one said honest is always nice - truth is truth and if we don't face it we can't change it.)
So I sat at the meeting for an hour and a half staring at those cookies, wanting to bing so badly, knowing I couldn't touch even one. About half way through the meeting, everyone at the other end of the table decided they had eaten enough and sent the other box to my side. Of course it came to rest right in front of me - right next to the other one. All the cookies, right at my seat, and I did not touch even one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you Jesus!
I ate an egg burrito and some hash browns for breakfast, a chicken breast for lunch, and a chicken breast and a few french fries for dinner. I know potatoes aren't the best, but as I said, this step is just to stay away from processed sugar. If God put the sugar in it, I'm not concerned. Fat and quantity will come later. Overeaters are used to quick satisfaction - we want to feel good NOW! Taking away too much at once will feel like punishment and I would very likely quit. I'm reading a book right now that recommends the exercise before changing any eating habits. Personally, I don't think it would work for me - after eating I often had no energy and would have to lay down and do nothing. I think I was eating sugar to the point that my body produced large amounts of glucose and I became comatose - I've often said sugar is my drug and I really am affected by it. So I don't think I could have ate hte way I use to and maintained a workout schedule. It was hard getting back to exercise after having 2 days off. Today was really busy and I had to come home from staff meeting and get right on the treadmill for 30 minutes and then run to help my husband at work until after 10 pm. I'm learning how exercise has to become a choice that we make priority. Otherwise we will always put it off.
I thought I would not be able to accomplish much when I started this because I would be so consumed with all it takes to develop new habits, but I'm actually maintaining - possibly even getting more done than usual. One, I'm more alert - don't get that groggy and I seem to have more energy - most of the time.
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